Why a Sponsor or Partner Grid?
It's a common need to acknowledge your sponsors on your website, and the Groundplan Theme has a flexible system to include sponsor logos and grids of partner deals on a global, event, or page level. Sponsors can be organized by giving level, and will be displayed in a responsive layout that works on desktop and mobile (designed logo clouds are rarely optimized for mobile and can cause layout issues where the logos are sometimes displayed far too small.
Add Partners & Sponsors
In Partners >> Add New, upload an image preferably 400x200px, set a title, website.
Enter the sponsor level for each partner if applicable. You'll sort by these levels later. Remember the exact way you typed in the Sponsor Level.
To optimize the way that your sponsor logos look on a page, it's best practice to use negative space around different logo sizes to fit within a standard 400px x 200px block. This is optimized for the most common logo square and horizontal versions. Vertical logos will ideally have a horizontal version in most cases.
Create a Partner/Sponsor Grid on a Flex Page
Go to Pages >> Add New >> Flex/Default template.
Add the Content Type: Partners or Partner Grid
To make a Partners tab within a tabbed page, enter the tab title here:
Follow the instructions below for Events.
Create a Partner/Sponsor Grid on an Event
Add all the partners you want on the page here:
In Sponsor Level Order, type in the sponsor levels you'd like to sort by. You can move rows around to reorder them. You'll need to type in the sponsor level exactly as you entered it on the Partner for the system to recognize it.
Note: Don't name this page "Partners" as that name is reserved for the listing of all partners.
Set up footer partners
Go to Groundplan Theme Settings (or Your Org Name Settings) >> Footer. Organize your footer sponsors the same way you would on a Sponsors page.
Tips for Troubleshooting Partners
Make sure the Sponsorship level is exactly the same as on the Sponsors page. There may be an extra space after the sponsor level, for example. Take a look at any sponsors not showing up and make sure the Sponsor Level is set correctly.
Edit the sponsor logos so they are all 400x200px, so they all show up as the same size on the page. You can use the crop function in the Edit Partner screen, or use Photoshop or Illustrator to put the logo in the middle of a 400x200px white image. Then upload that new image to the site. Recommended especially for any image that's a funky size like a square or a really wide image.