Groundplan Web Package / Standard Menu

Go to Appearance >> Menu. 

Select Main Menu (Primary Navigation).

Select pages, events, etc from the left column and click "Add to Menu."

In the right column, drag menu items up and down to reorder, and drag to the right to nest items. (We recommend trying to stay at 2 levels of nesting.)

More detail on how to arrange menus:
Screenshots of nesting Menu items:

Important! Click Save Menu to save your changes.

Check out the WordPress Codex for more about managing menus.

At the bottom of the menu settings, you can select whether your main menu should display in one or more navigation locations - "Primary Navigation" and "Footer Navigation".  You may create up to two menus if you prefer to have different navigation options in these two locations.

Add a Series, Genre, or other category

  1. Click "Screen Options" in the top right of your screen (scroll up). 
  2. Activate the categories you'd like to choose from ("Series," "Events," "People," "Partners," etc)
  3. Click the "Save Menu" button and/or reload the page. 
  4. Scroll down to add your desired pages within those categories to your menu. 

Add Event Lists 

To add a list of all your events to the menu, add a Custom Link to your menu with the URL

Get the link:

  1. Go to the page and tab you want to link to.
  2. Right click on the tab you want to link to. (CTRL+Click on Mac)
  3. Choose 'Copy Link address' (this may have a different label depending on your browser)
  4. It should look something like this: The text after the # should be the tab title.

Add the link to the main menu:

  1. Go to Appearance >> Menus
  2. Add a 'Custom Link'.
  3. Paste the anchor link to the tab as the custom link, and give the menu item a name. Click Add to Menu.
  4. Drag the menu item to the appropriate spot in your menu, and click 'Save Menu'

  1. Click "Screen Options" in the top right of your screen (scroll up). 
  2. Under "Show advanced menu properties", check "Link Target."

3. Click Save. 

4. Open the menu item and check "Open link in new tab."

Minimalist / Hamburger Menu

If you've got a deep menu with longer words or just prefer a minimalist look, you can select a Hamburger menu format on desktop. The menu opens in a mobile-responsive tray. Secondary menu items, if set, will appear next to the menu toggle icon.

Set your menu style preference in Groundplan Theme Settings >> Header >> Header Preferences >> Menu Style

Mega Menu

Note: the Mega Menu is not available for Groundplan Theme sites.


First, add and arrange all the items you'd like in the menu using the steps above.

Float your mouse over the top-level menu items and click “Mega Menu”.  This opens up the mega menu interface.

Make sure the menu is set to Mega Menu - Grid Layout. 

Adjust column sizes using the left and right arrows in the top right of each column. 

Add column headers using the Text widget. 

Enter your header text in the Title: field and leave the Body field blank.

Hit Save, then Close.

Add images using the Image widget. 

Add buttons 

Add a Text Widget. Use a Button Shortcode in the body and leave the header blank. Hit Save, then Close. 

For more details: Check out this Max Mega Menu article.