If events existed in Wordpress before you built them in PatronManager, you can connect them. 

  1. In WP - Make sure all venues are built and connected to the appropriate PatronManager venue.
  2. In PM - Put each event on sale temporarily, or follow the instructions on syncing events before they go onsale.
  3. IN WP - Refresh your PatronManager cache in Groundplan >> Settings to make sure your data is current.
  4. In the WP event - Select the appropriate PatronManager event in the "Related PatronManager Event" dropdown:
  5. Delete any previous "General Ticket URL" value, then save the event.

    a. This step will populate all Event Instances from PatronManager and update empty fields with PatronManager data. If you have tickets on sale, the correct ticketing URLs will populate with each event instance.  

    b. If saving the event results in duplicate event instances, you may need to first clear out any upcoming event instances and resave the event (Event Instances are matched by a precise datetime stamp, so they sometimes need to be refreshed when changing the event sale status or migrating from another ticketing system.)   Past event instances are not resynced from PatronManager, as they only exist in WordPress.

  6. Once Event Instances are populated, turn OFF Vague Dates if Vague Dates was on. 
  7. Publish or Update the event detail page.
  8. If you are using the Festival Calendar, set the Sales Mode to "Tickets On sale."

The website will be able to pull the following information from PatronManager. These fields show up in Green on the event detail back end. 

  • Event Ticketing URL
  • Details (becomes "Full Description" of event)
  • Description (becomes "Short Description" of event)
  • Sort Order
  • Event Instance Times, Venues, & Event Instance Ticketing URLs

This is a one-way relationship; data flows FROM PatronManager TO Wordpress, not the other way around.

Empty fields that have a value in PatronManager will be populated. If fields already have a value, their value will not change.