Edit a Form or Create a New Form

  1. Select Forms in left toolbar
  2. Click on the form name to edit or click Add New
  3. To change the field label, click on the down arrow and edit text in Field Label Box
  4. To change the label click on the down arrow and edit text in Field Label Box
  5. To duplicate a field, click on the icon of two pages
  6. To create a new field, drag the field type from the standard field menu to the location on the form for the field
  7. To make a field required click on the down arrow and check the Required box under Rules
  8. When done editing, click the blue Update button

Add a Form to a Page

1. Click the Add Form button above the content area. 

2. Select your form from the dropdown, select the options you'd like in the checkboxes, and click the Insert Form button.

NOTE: Enable Ajax if your form is NOT on the first tab. 

3. A form shortcode will appear where your form will go on the page. 

Set up Form Email Notifications

Use these instructions for setting up an email notification that someone has filled out your form.  Typical notifications go to admins, and you can optionally add a notification to the form user as well.

If you want to send a notification to the form user, build a new notification using the linked instructions above and select Send To >> Select a field to choose their email field so that the notification gets sent back to them.

You can customize a Subject and Message for the notification and, if needed, use the merge field dropdown to insert merge fields from the form into the email:

The merge field {all_fields} is typically a good default for admin notifications - you'll see every field value filled out.

Modify Form Confirmations

The confirmation of this form is a message that displays on the website after someone submits a form - or they can be redirected to a new page.

To customize a form confirmation, use this documentation.

Enable Emma Integration

You can optionally enable form submissions to be sent to your Emma Account, to opt-in respondents to a mailing list.  

  1. Go to Plugins and make sure both Gravity Forms and Gravity Forms Emma Add-On are enabled.
  2. Follow the Emma Add-On setup steps in this documentation

Enable Mailchimp Integration

You can optionally enable form submissions to be sent to your Mailchimp Account, to opt-in respondents to a mailing list.  

  1. Go to Plugins and make sure both Gravity Forms and Gravity Forms Mailchimp Add-On are enabled.
  2. Follow the Mailchimp Add-On setup steps in the Gravity Forms documentation.