Go to Pages >> Add New and set the Template to Calendar.

Calendar Settings 

Show Calendar Filters

Set whether you want to show filter buttons, dropdowns, or no filters.



Select Taxonomies for Genre Toggles

Choose the filters you'd like to display. 

Group Performances by Event 

Sort by time = events will be grouped chronologically. 

Sort by event = events will be grouped by Event first, then time. 

"Buy" Button Text and "Sold Out" Message

Changes the default text for these buttons in the calendar. 

Item Priority

Buy buttons always lead to Buy Tickets link, but where should titles and images link to? 

  • Tickets = link to Buy Tickets
  • Details = link to event detail page

Calendar Controls 

Turn on this toggle to display 'Add to iCal/gCal' controls. 


Load 2-4 promos to display on the calendar page. A good spot to promote gift certificates, Getting Here page, area dining or other pages to help patrons plan their visit.