The benefit of PTS 2 is that you have access to all the ticketing site styling and content, and you're able to manage it in house. To get started, follow the steps here in PatronManager help to set up a staging environment for PTS 2, upload your logo, select a theme, and set up your content.
You'll also make sure Gameflow has access to a PatronManager login. Here's how we can help:
- After your staging site is up, we'll take care of step 10 for you - connecting your ticketing site to Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager. There's lots of undocumented technical detail in those steps and we have a process that we're refining with all the other clients making the transition.
- After you launch the new PTS (step 13 in the PatronManager Documentation), we'll update your website to point to the new ticketing site, and rebuild your event ticketing links with the new URL format. This is the piece we'll want to schedule so all the launch steps happen at about the same time. There is no downtime during that transition.
Other than those two steps, most clients have found the process self-explanatory. Dive in to setup a staging version, let us know when you have a draft ready. We'll need a few day's notice to help with our steps, and then we'll help you go live!