You'll need a dedicated form to set up Wait List functionality:
* The form should accept customer information to put them on the waiting list.
* You could set up one wait list form per class, or have a hidden prefill value that is able to track the desired class in a single form.
* Ideally, wait list requests should be captured in your customer relationship management system. This can allow you to automate confirmations, communication, and remarket your classes to these customers in the future.
You can set up Wait Lists before your classes sell out - when the class is sold out, buttons will automatically switch on the site to link to the Wait List.
- Enable Wait List functionality in Groundplan >> Settings >> Education Add-On Settings >> Enable Wait List Functionality.

- Edit each of your classes that will have a wait list enabled when they sell out.
- Under Class Details you will now see a Wait list URL field. Link to your Wait List form here.

- When your Class Session Type is set to Sold Out, the class will automatically switch to "Wait List mode" wherever it appears on your site.