When Should I use this article?
- In Events >> Seasons, create a new season with the same title and slug format as other seasons. This creates a new season page that will remain empty for now.
- If you use PatronManager for ticketing, create the events for a season in PatronManager and prepare a not on sale yet message so that the events can sync. More detail on this process is at Syncing Events before they go on sale (Subscriptions and Presales)
- In WordPress, create new events, (you can sync them from PatronManager at this stage, or create them manually with other ticketing systems). Add the event to the new season, but do not publish them until you are ready to announce.
Populate event images and detail fields, and make sure Event Instances are generated for each performance.
Populate event images and detail fields, and make sure Event Instances are generated for each performance.
- Phase 1 - New Subscriptions Only
- Events - Replace General Ticket URLs with the ticketing link to new Subscriptions.
Replace Event Instance Ticket URLs to new Subscriptions link.
Update Buy Button Text to "Subscribe"
Update Promos if set. - Home - if homepage slide links for events are set to "event", no action is needed. If set to "Custom", update these to new subscription links with "Subscribe" text.
- Sidebars - Update Promo Links (Grounplan Theme Settings >> Announcements >> Global Promos) to include Subscribe Link and "Subscribe" button text. These sidebar promos will stay during the entire subscription sale period to help motivate subscriptions as an alternative call to action over single ticket purchases.
- Events - Replace General Ticket URLs with the ticketing link to new Subscriptions.
- Phase 2 - Single Tickets Go On Sale
- Events - Update General Ticket URLs to Event Tickets link (PatronManager users can can erase the general ticket URL and resave the event to sync)
Update Event Instance Ticket URLs to corresponding ticketing individual performance links (PatronManager users may delete Event Instances entirely and then repopulate them with ticketing links by saving the event to sync - these will only sync if event instances are removed)
Remove custom Buy Button Text, so that it reverts to "Buy" and "Buy Tickets"
Update Promos if set. - Home - If not done yet, Set homepage slides to "Event" and link to corresponding events. Learn More and Buy Tickets Buttons will flow from the Event.
- Sidebars - No change may be needed. Remove old dates, and make sure promo Links continue to promote Subscribe Link and "Subscribe" button text - this reinforces the "Subscribe" option for customers on all events.
- Events - Update General Ticket URLs to Event Tickets link (PatronManager users can can erase the general ticket URL and resave the event to sync)