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VBO Ticket Integration

We have an improved integration for VBO Tickets available.  When enabled, VBO tickets checkout occurs as an embedded view on your Event Detail page.  For an example, see

Tessitura TNEW Support

Groundplan Sites now has an optional ready-made Tessitura TNEW template available for easy integration with Tessitura.

Bugfixes and Other Goodies

  • Added the Instagram Grid Gallery and Text Block as options to the Home Page Flex Content section.
  • Added an optional label for venue maps in the Event List.  Control is in Groundplan Theme Settings >> Event Settings >> Event List Venue Map Label.
  • Added settings for Bluesky and Mastodon social accounts in Groundplan Theme Settings >> 
  • Added a last modified date column to the Pages edit screen
  • Replaced the Simple Google Recaptcha plugin, which ended support, with the updated Advanced Google Recaptcha plugin

Version 2.1 (December 2024)

Tabbed Event Layout

  • You now have the option to use the same flexible tabbed content layout for individual events that you also find on pages.  This can be helpful in cases where you have a lot of event content, like programs, videos or large casts or orchestras; or lets say your event is a gala with a fundraiser or auction component.  

  • For more details on using the new layout, see the Tabbed Event Layout article

Site Translations (via Weglot)

  • We now offer translation and localization versions (e.g. Spanish, French and more) through an integration with Weglot.  Set up is easy, just sign up for a Weglot package, then file a support ticket with us and send us your API key. Weglot starts by automatically translating your website, and then you can customize automated translations manually or with a language consultant to make language feel more natural. You can get an initial site translation in just a few clicks!

  • Global Sponsor Carousel in the Footer
    You can now choose a carousel format to display your sponsors globally above the site footer.

    To select this option, go to Groundplan Theme Settings >> Footer & Social >> Global Sponsors & Partners, and select "Sponsor Layout >> Sponsor Carousel".  If you select at least 6 sponsors, a carousel will display otherwise sponsors will display without the carousel in the same location above the footer. 

Flexible Page Header Titles

  • Event, Page and Post titles below the header image.  You can now use a theme setting to make page, event, and post titles appear below the header image instead of overlayed on top of the header image. To enable this option, toggle the setting in Groundplan Theme Settings >> Groundplan Theme Settings >> Layout Options >> Header Block Layout, and select "Title Below Header".

Content Block and Layout Enhancements

  • Added a Testimonial Gallery to the Landing Page Template
    You can now add a testimonial gallery to your landing pages. The landing page format has larger default text, and supports background colors and textures. Text overlays a transparent white background for readability.

  • Added a Post List Image Field.  This is an optional 4:3 aspect ratio format for Post summaries in post lists and category pages.  If not set, still defaults to the header image for the post.  Note: In rare cases when you use the classic 3-column promo style with the Home Page Template, the post list image is not used in that location as the area is designed for a 16:8 format, matching the header image.

  • Event Search now defaults to "Any" instead of "Events". Users can now search for events, classes, or "any" for both at the same time. This can help reduce confusion when users aren't sure if they want to filter results for only events or classes.

  • Additional date format customization.  For one-night only performances, you can now specify a character separator between the event date and time that displays on the event detail page. Set the "Display Date & Time Separator" field in Groundplan >> Settings >> Event Display Date Format, and then resave your events to regenerate the display date. (Note that this change will still be overridden if the override field is set.)

    Display date time formatting has been improved to prevent confusing line breaks before "am," "pm," and timezones if included.

Bugfixes and Other Goodies

  • Added a "Default Sponsor List Label" setting in Groundplan Theme Settings >> Event Settings, which changes the default label from "Sponsors" to any title you choose, so that you don't need to set that title in each 
  • Fixed an issue with opening the correct FAQ when multiple FAQ blocks were included on the same page.
  • You can now choose the layout of Partner / Sponsor block on tabbed pages - either a Grid (default) or a Gallery / Carousel.
  • Improved the layout of the Partner Gallery to center differently sized sponsor logos.
  • Improved readability of paragraph font styling in the editor.
  • Fixed a bug where some genre badges would not appear when only one series had been selected and when certain plugins were inactive on the site.
  • Fixed a bug when a default template page is published without any tabs.
  • Fixed a bug where image gradients appeared on the header if the header was also in "title below header" mode.
  • Updated the Twitter logo to "X".  As a reminder as Twitter starts to offer less, ahem, reliable marketing value – if Twitter is no longer part of your sharing strategy, you can disable it from social sharing under Footer & Social >> Social Share Configuration >> Enable Twitter Share.   If you no longer utilize your Twitter account, just remove your account in Footer & Social >> Social >> Twitter Account and it will no longer appear in the footer.
  • Added a hover state to items in the Promo Grid (On Landing and Flex Content Pages)
  • Fixed a bug that affected the Posts List block on the landing page only that could fail to display a category of posts when the category selected was a child of another category.

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