v 1.2.5

Important update:  When a Homepage slide features a related event that slide will now automatically be hidden when the event closes.

The slide is removed 4 hours after the start time of the event, so it doesn't happen immediately.  Be sure to have at least 1-2 additional slides in the deck when a production is about to close.  Custom slides are never automatically hidden.

Adjustable Calendar Filters

Choose one or more taxonomies to filter events on the Monthly calendar, including Genre, Series, Language, or Season.
Choose whether to use Button Filters or more compact dropdown filters for lots of choices.

Bugfixes and Feature Enhancements

  • Promo images and titles now link to the promo destination.
  • Added support for FormAssembly forms (Contact Gameflow if you want to use FormAssembly)
  • Posts on the Article List now display featured videos if they are set.
  • Added the ACF Better Search plugin for improved search results of text fields and other content.
  • Removed some fields when optional plugins like Groundplan People Add-On aren't enabled.
  • Added options to enable blog comments
  • Tab labels now support special characters
  • On the home carousel, you can optionally specify a separate thumbnail for each slide (if you don't specify one, the slide itself will be used as the thumbnail.)
  • Post categories now display in search results and on Article list pages.

v 1.2.4

Event List Content Block

Display a categorized grouping of Events (e.g. Taxonomy, Upcoming / Current or Past  Events) as a Flex Page Block.

This new Flex Page block can be helpful for past productions, large lists of categorized Events like film festivals, or targeted series or season packages of events that need to be paired with special audience-specific content.

First, Organize your groupings of events into a taxonomy term, like a Genre, Series, or Season.  Then select that taxonomy term when displaying your block.

Event List blocks display events just like search results, with optional event images, buy tickets links for Upcoming and Current events, etc.

Behind the scenes:

Person List Content Block

Display a list of Artists, either a Person Type block on a Flex Page or Categorized artists connected to an event 

By enabling the Groundplan People Add-On (available on all Groundplan Theme sites), The new "People" post type is enabled, a great solution for displaying casts, artistic teams for events, or staff / ensemble categories for your company.

You can optionally include headshots or short bios for each artist. (Enable "Display Bios" in Groudplan Theme Settings >> People Settings.)

Customize or hide the section header title on the event (Cast and Crew Title) or Flex block level.

Map Content Block

Display events and venues on maps.

If you're a multi-venue or touring company, you can now feature a map with selected events or all your upcoming events, neatly laid out in a map either on Flex Pages or on the home page.

Select which type of map you want to display: Manual locations, All upcoming events, or event selection, and make sure each Venue has a Map field set to display events on your map.

Bugfixes and Feature Enhancements

  • Added controls to enable iCal / gCal download buttons on the monthly calendar.
  • Added controls to customize Buy and Learn More text on the Home page slideshow.
  • improved the UX of promos and home page slides using the new Link field styles.
  • Added the capability on Managed Hosting sites to reorder posts (particularly helpful for ordering Sponsors and Film Festivals who need to reorder Venues for the festival calendar).  To enable this feature, enable Plugins >> Reorder Posts >> Activate.  Each post type will then have a "Reorder" screen.
  • Header / Secondary Nav buttons and links are now fully customizable in Groundplan Theme Settings >> Header Buttons
  • You can now set a company-specific company help documentation link that displays in the Help menu (e.g. an internal company wiki or Google doc)
  • Calendar pages now display global promos when calendar promos aren't set.
  • A new fallback image for Event Lists displays on both Event Lists and as a social share image (Set the fallback in Groundplan Theme Settings)
  • Fixed a bug where Partners / Sponsor controls wouldn't appear on Events.
  • Enhanced color customization for Weekly calendars
  • Events reformat to look better if no event list or event header image is set.
  • Blockquotes in WYSIWYG blocks now have a dedicated style based on the customizable primary color.
  • Galleries that include both Copy Caption and Download buttons have improved styling.
  • Improved cropping sizes and visibility on small mobile screens like the iPhone 5.

v 1.2.0

Full Screen layout Mode

This mode changes header and home page images to be full-screen width on all browsers.  Our demo site, is showcasing this new mode.

Your existing header and home page slider images will work with full-screen mode but they will be sized up to fit the new size.  Future images should be adjusted to fit the new minimum image sizes so that you have high-quality images on all browser sizes.  If you would like new Photoshop templates to help compose for the new image sizes, you can download them here.  

You can enable the new mode in Groundplan Theme Settings >> Use Full-width layout.

Custom Font Support

You can now enable custom fonts for headers and buttons using Google Fonts or Typekit.
Enable custom fonts in Groundplan Theme Settings >> Enabled Custom Header Font Package.

  1. Choose a type and either a Typekit kit ID or paste the font embed URL for your google font package.
  2. Set the font family name for the font provided by Google Fonts or Typekit.
  3. Each Font can be sized a little differently.  If the font is too large or too small, adjust the Custom Font Size Ratio until the sizing looks correct. Use values between 0 and 1.0 to make the font smaller, and between 1.0 and 4.0 to make the font larger.  

Other features in v 1.2.0: 

  • Added support for Trip Advisor social links and the ability to deactivate the Facebook Recommend button.
  • Corrected Aspect Ratios for more breakpoints for event and post headers.
  • Improved display of the Buy Tickets button for active events on the home page.
  • Added a search bar in the footer for more convenient access.
  • Bugfix: FAQ Heading will now display.
  • Page List image now appears in Search Results.
  • Bugfix for ACF recent updates: Back End Image fields have been constrained to display within their borders.
  • Added feature to display an author bio or custom (e.g. guest post) bio on article detail layouts.
  • Extended support for password protected pages to the new flex / default page.

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