This article outlines some of the Groundplan helper functions and how you'd use them to improve the display logic in your theme. 

These functions can help you:

  • Reduce the number of clicks your patrons take to check out
  • Get different title sizes to fit the context of your layout 
  • Convert dates to and from your local time
  • Determine if a show is Upcoming, open, closed, unscheduled, or completely sold out

Arguments & Return Values
Loads all postmeta and post connection data (including performances) into $post variable or WP_Query

Sample usage: 

$my_event = new WP_Query(array('p' => $post_id, 'post_type' => 'mc_event'));
xdgp_load_all(array('query' => $my_event, 'connected_post_meta' => false, 'connections' => true, 'connection_meta' => true));
echo $my_event->byline;

$args (array) of arguments, including the following defaults:

$defaults = array(
'query' => $wp_query, // the post query
'connections' => false, //include P2P connection,
'connection_meta' => false, //include P2P meta data for connections
'connected_post_meta' => false, //include post_meta for posts connected via P2P,
'mc_attachments' => true, // DEPRECATED
'post' => NULL, //object or post_id (object preferred, otherwise we requery),
'post_type' => NULL //failsafe for situations where the post type isn't being automatically found or needs to be overridden - can be array of types

Return an event status based on opening and closing dates and performance statuses
$event - Event Object.  An event object that has already been loaded with fields and performances using xdgp_load_all().

return $status (string).  unscheduled, upcoming, open, or closed
Find the most efficient available ticket url for the situation
  • Returns a single event ticket url for single performance events 
  • Returns a general url for multi-performance events 
  • Returns false if event is closed
$event - Event Object.  An event object that has already been loaded with fields and performances using xdgp_load_all().

return $ticket_url (url) most efficient available URL.
Return the shortest version of the title.
$post - Post Object.  An post object that has already been loaded with fields and performances using xdgp_load_all().

Filter - xdgp_calendar_display_event_short_title

return $title (url) returns a short title
xdgp_unset_groundplan_field($key, $template_name = null)
Conditionally unset a default Groundplan to hide it from your site's user interface, or in the context of a specific Event template, e.g. Education Add-On Classes.
$key (string) ACF field Key (default field keys)

$template_name (string, optional, default NULL): filename of the event template.  
  • If present, field will be hidden on this template only. 
  • If null, the field is always hidden.             
xdgp_calendar_ical_subscribe_link($event = false, $performance = false)
SINCE 1.3.4
Generates a subscribable iCal feed (compatible with iCal, Google, or Outlook using the webcal:// protocol) for either a full event or only one performance.          
In most cases, the subscribe link is an easier user interface for users who have set a default application for calendar feeds.    
$event - Event Post Object, Event Post ID or array of event Post IDs
$performance - Performance P2P object.  If set, the feed will only be for one Performance / Event Instance

Usage: xdgp_calendar_ical_subscribe_link(array(461.467,800,801));

xdgp_calendar_ical_link($event = false, $performance = false)Generates a downloadable iCal feed (importable with iCal, Google, or Outlook) for either a full event or only one performance.        

$event - Event Post Object
$performance - Performance P2P object.  If set, the feed will only be for one Performance / Event Instance

Education Add-On

Arguments & Return Values
Find the most efficient available ticket url for the situation, keeping in mind Education add-on conventions of one event Instance with a ticket URL for the entire class.
  • Returns a single event instance ticket url when there is only one event instance with a ticket URL 
  • Returns a general url for events with multiple event instance Ticket URLs 
  • Returns false if event is closed
$class - Class Object.  An event object (with Class Template selected) that has already been loaded with fields and performances using xdgp_load_all().

return $ticket_url (url) most efficient available URL.
Find the appropriate Event Instance ID for single-event-instance-id Classes (that is Subscription Pakcages that have one Event Instance ID)
$class - Class Object.  An event object (with Class Template selected) that has already been loaded with fields and performances using xdgp_load_all().

return $event_instance_id (url) most efficient available URL.

PatronManager Add-On

Arguments & Return Values
Generate a formatted Patron Portal Member Login URL with Return Address URL
$ticket_url (url) URL to redirect to after log in.

return $url (url) formatted URL which will redirect back to supplied URL after member login.