See also: Creating a Sponsor or Partner Grid with Giving levels

Add a Partner

From the left menu, click "Partners" then "Add New"

Choose a Partner Type

Under "Business Relationship," choose either "Sponsor" or "Hotel / Dining Partner".  Sponsors typically are used for sponsor logos on Sponsor & Event pages, and Hotel / Dining Partners have additional fields used to present an offer or further contact details to your patrons.

Sponsorship Level

You can add a Sponsorship Level to specific Partners.  This is used to sort and categorize Sponsors on your pages.

Hotel / Dining Partner Fields

You can choose to include optional teaser description, address, map link, price range guide, or Patron offers & coupons for each local partner.

Displaying Partners on your Pages and Events

Default pages and events allow you to select a group of Sponsors that display on that page or for that specific event.  

  1. Add the "Partners" content type to a tab, and give the Partner section a title (e.g. "Sponsors")
  2. You can add "Partnership Overview Text" to explain the partner relationship, or add foundation sponsorship language to the sponsorship area.
  3. Select the Partners you want to include.  Click partners in the left column to activate them (in the right column)
  4. For Hotel & Dining Partners, choose your layout preferences to determine if Partners are stacked on top of each other or layed out in a horizontal row or vertical column; and if partner images should stack on top of offer information ("Stacked") or "Split" to display to the right of the image. 
  5. If you want to organize sponsors into levels or categories, select which Sponorship levels you want to display and sort them.  Sponsors that you include that do not have a sponsorship level will display after the final level.

Global Sponsors

You can select Global Sponsors that display in the footer on every page in Groundplan Theme Settings >> Footer.

Displaying Partners with the shortcode

After you save a hotel & dining partner, a code block is displayed which you can copy and paste to flexibly display the partner in any WYSIWYG field.  You can next multiple `groundplan-partner` codes within two `groundplan-block-begin` and `groundplan-block-end` codes, which allow you to display mobile-responsive offers and partners anywhere on the site.