To add a list of people assigned to an event to a page, first install the Groundplan Pro People Add-On.

Use this sample code as a starting point to create your cast list.


// Insert this code after the xdgp_load_all function on an event detail page
// To display a categorized list of People with headshots
// This layout uses Bootstrap CSS classes and may need to be adapted to suit your layout.

$people = $post->events_people;
if (!empty($people)) {
  // Set this to true to show Union memberships and a legend for those memberships.
  $show_union_legend = false;

  // Organize Show Roles into categories, e.g. Cast, Crew.
  // Configure Role Types in Groundplan >> Settings
    $people_sorted = array();
    $roles_to_skip = array('Roster');
    foreach ($people as $person) {
      if (isset($person->type) && in_array($person->type, $roles_to_skip))

    $people_sorted[$person->type][] = $person;


    <section class="people">
      <h3 class="people__title"><?php echo $people_title; ?></h3>
        foreach ($people_sorted as $team => $grouped_people) { ?>

            <div class="people__content">
              <h4 class="people__type-title"><?php echo $team; ?></h4>
        <div class="people-wrapper">
              foreach ($grouped_people as $key => $person) {
            $bio = $person->short_bio;
            if (empty($bio))
             $bio = xdgp_custom_excerpt(20, $person->long_bio);
            $headshot = get_field('headshot', $person);
                  <div class="person">
                          <div class="col-xs-12">

                              if (!empty($headshot)) {
         // Uncomment links if you want to use a Person Detail layout (e.g. single-mc_person.php)
                                  <!-- <a href="<?php echo get_the_permalink($person->ID); ?>"> -->
                                      <img src="<?php echo $headshot['url'] ; ?>" alt="<?php echo $person->post_title?>" />
                                  <!-- </a> -->
                              } ?>

                          <p class="person__name">
                              /* <a href="<?php echo get_the_permalink($person->ID); ?>"> // Uncomment after Person Detail completed */
                                      echo get_the_title($person->ID);
                                  /* </a> */

                    echo (empty($person->is_actors_equity)) ? '' : ' <span class="associations actors-equity">*</span>';
                  echo (empty($person->is_usa)) ? '' : ' <span class="associations usa">†</span>';
                  echo (empty($person->is_sdc)) ? '' : ' <span class="associations sdc">‡</span>';
                if (is_singular('mc_event')) {
                  // Display the Event Role
                  echo (!empty($person->role)) ? '<p class="person__role">'.$person->role.'</p>': '';
                } else {
                  // Display the company role
                  echo (!empty($person->role_title)) ? '<p class="person__role">'.$person->role_title.'</p>': '';

                echo (!empty($person->email)) ? '<a class="person__email" href="mailto:'.$person->email.'">'.$person->email.'</a>' : '';
                echo (!empty($bio)) ? '<div class="person__bio">'.apply_filters('the_content', $bio).'</div>' : '';

                            if (!$show_union_legend) {
                              $show_union_legend = ($person->is_actors_equity || $person->is_usa || $person->is_sdc);

              } ?>
        } ?>

  $legend = get_field('unions_legend', 'option');
  if (!empty($legend) && $show_union_legend) {  ?>
    <div class="unions-legend">
      <?php echo apply_filters('the_content', $legend); ?>