Version 1.4 (Oct 2019)
New Landing Page Template
The Groundplan Theme now includes a new design option for home and landing pages, the landing page template. While the Home page template is designed to showcase the variety of your programming (e.g. through the Home Page Carousel), the Landing Page template is a more immersive layout that showcases the story of your company or program with full-page images and background videos.

Landing Page Example - Step Afrika!
Documentation for the Landing Page Template
Event Structured Data Enhancements
- With the Groundplan 1.4 release, the Groundplan Theme has updated its Event Structured Data support to be compatible with changes to Event Schema earlier this year and now include Performer data and SEO-compliant pricing fields. See the Groundplan plugin release notes for details.
Venue Addresses on Calendars
- The monthly calendar and each event detail page can now include venue details. Enable "Display Venues on Calendars" in Groundplan Theme Settings >> Event Settings >> Event Usability. This supports audiences to find the performance location for intinerant and touring companies.
Other Enhancements
- Added a setting to adjust the default button text "Buy Tickets" (Groundplan Theme Settings >> Event Settings >> Event Usability >> Default Buy Button Text)
- You can now add a small Header Image to support the Events page call to action (Groundplan Theme Settings >> Event Settings >> Event List Header Image) or Calendar page (Calendar Page >> Calendar Settings >> Calendar Header Image)
- Fixed a bug where the landing page would not honor Event mode if locations had been set manually in the past.
- Monthly Calendars can now display events and classes in the same calendar.
- On event pages, connected People now display in sorted sections by Role Type (e.g. Cast, Production Staff, etc.). The sort order of these sections is determined by the order that Role Types appear in "Artists to Display on this Event."
- If you present a single testimonial in a gallery, the style now shifts to look good without carousel controls.
- The people component now gives logged-in users feedback if no people are found due to settings misconfigurations.
- Partner grid section headings now have a different hierarchy / size than the component heading.
- You can now choose to display Venue filters on monthly calendars and in Event List Search - enable by editing the Calendar page and in Groundplan Theme Settings >> Event Settings
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